Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rachel and Tony featuring Miss Fiona

Rachel and Tony are some of the coolest people we know!  We had such a great time with them, they took us to the Shreveport Water Works Museum for their 2010 family photos, and man did we get some great shots.  We went on this huge hill right next to the museum and you can see the sky line of downtown Shreveport, it was very cool.  Miss Fiona is the cutest weenie dog EVEr, she did soo good!  Infact, I've decided when we get ready for a new dog, I'm going for a weenie dog, lets just hope I get as lucky as Rachel and Tony. =) Thanks guys for the fun photo shoot, it's always a treat when we get to shoot our friends! Love yall.

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Hello world!! We are Jennifer Ball and Natalie Parnell aka Soul Rebels! Photography for us has changed our lives and given us a creative outlit to impact other people's lives with our art, love, and passion for the camera. Natalie picked up her first camera about two years ago and was hooked. It was love at first... hold? =) I picked up my first camera last summer and couldn't even dream of the impact it would have on my life. I have never felt so at peace and "right" as I do holding that camera and impacting people's lives. It's amazing how much we love this art and we are so excited to see what the future holds for Soul Rebels Photography! One love to all!!

Jennifer and Natalie!