Thursday, June 30, 2011

Natalie's journey to motherhood..

When I got the first phone call from Natalie saying she took a pregnancy test and it was positive... my heart just melted for joy.  She has had such an incredible journey to get to where she is right now.  She knew she wanted a child, but due to life circumstances, she had to completely trust in God that when the time was right, it would happen.  Watching several of our friends become pregnant without even trying and start to form their families was hard for her sometimes,  and it wore on her spirit and on her faith that a child was in God's plan for her and Zach.  She made the decision one day that she wasn't going to worry about it anymore, she didn't want to go back to any doctors, she didn't want to stress about become pregnant, she had peace that if it was meant to be, then it would happen when the time was right.

I tend to get emotional (as I tear up writing this blog) when I think about how far her and Zach have come and how special their story is.  I will never forget that evening when my phone rang and my best friend was on the other end excited, yet reserved that she was with child.  I think the entire restaurant I was at heard me scream and jump for joy.  She laughed and told me to "calm down" (as she tends to have to do a lot) and that they weren't getting their hopes up until she went to the doctor.  I COUNTED DOWN THE DAYS!!  Once the pregnancy was confirmed by a doctor the peace and joy that covered her, spilled over onto me.  The reality hit that God has been faithful to my friends.  As soon as they gave it to God and decided that it was in his hands, he delivered.  I've watched her journey over the last months and I would find myself calling her at random times just over joyed with love and happiness for her and the child that forms within her.  I can't not rub her belly when I'm with her. =).

I remember calling and calling the day she went to find out the sex of her child... IT'S A BOY!!!!  Natalie is the first one of our friends to have a baby boy, how special is this time??!!!  All my daughter, Gabbie talks about is little baby Paxton in Natalie's belly.  It's so sweet and I feel somehow she knows how special this pregnancy is.  Did I mention I get to photograph the birth??!!  Oh my, this should be a challenge considering I have tissues all over the ground right now.  LOL.  My heart is full.

To my dearest friend-  I am so happy for you and for Zach, y'all are so special to us and I don't know where I would be without you.  To see you grow into a mother and be apart of your journey is more than I could ask for.   I can't wait to meet Paxton and for our children to grow up together.  I love you so much and thank you for teaching me about faith and realizing how truly precious this experience is.  Congrats my friends.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Our flower child with child...

Maggye is such a beautiful pregnant person.  I know they say that all pregnant woman have that "glow", but she was just radiating beauty.  We had such a great time, and we didn't let the heat stop us one bit!!  After seeing her pictures, would you believe that she had her baby one week later?  She was all belly!!  Maggye wanted her pictures to show the free spirit she is, and we did just that!  Thank you so much Maggye for letting us on this journey with you.  We can't wait to do family pictures with y'all! Peace N Love and congrats on your precious new love.   Jen & Nat

Monday, June 13, 2011

Introducing Mrs. Hollier

Ashley was such a beautiful bride, not only did she radiate outside beauty but she was just as beautiful on the inside.  She is so full of life and personality and we had a BLAST taking her bridals.  We actually got her to walk through thigh-high grass in her amazing wedding dress from Alfred Angelo.  She never once complained, she was all smiles and all about some fun.  We can only wish we get more brides like her in the future.  Her and Jason's wedding was absolutely stunning last night and we had such a fun group to hang out and work with!  Thank you so much Ashley for being so wonderful and such a pleasure to work with.  I have a feeling we will remain friends for a long time!  Congrats to you and Jason, we can't wait to start working on the wedding!  Love, Jen & Nat

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Peace N Love... Cortney's a Senior!

We had such a blast shooting Cortney.  She first contacted us saying she was very natural, more of a bare feet, artful kinda of girl and wanted pictures to show that.  We took that and RAN!  We have been wanting to do a 60's inspired photoshoot for awhile, and we felt this was the perfect opportunity.  Cortney was so beautiful, and boy did she know how to work a camera!  We set up our own little scene and the creative juices started flowing.. we didn't want to stop shooting  =)  She was such a great sport and fearless I might add, I mean she even climbed a tree for us!  Thank you so much Cortney for the opportunity to work with you.  Good luck to you and may all your dreams for your future come true.
Peace N Love... Jen & Nat

Blog Archive


Hello world!! We are Jennifer Ball and Natalie Parnell aka Soul Rebels! Photography for us has changed our lives and given us a creative outlit to impact other people's lives with our art, love, and passion for the camera. Natalie picked up her first camera about two years ago and was hooked. It was love at first... hold? =) I picked up my first camera last summer and couldn't even dream of the impact it would have on my life. I have never felt so at peace and "right" as I do holding that camera and impacting people's lives. It's amazing how much we love this art and we are so excited to see what the future holds for Soul Rebels Photography! One love to all!!

Jennifer and Natalie!