Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Dearest Gabriella Grace

My Dearest Gabriella:  The tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into.

Did I conceive a child?  Or, child, my forming did you conceive a mother?

Wow, it wasn't until I edited these newest pictures of my sweet baby girl that I realized how big she is.  Where has the time gone???  I can remember bringing her home from the hospital for her to lay in my arms all night long for her first night in her new home.  I can remember endless, sleepless nights spent rocking her to sleep and singing to her as tears of an unexplainable new love rolled down my face as I gazed upon hers.  My dearest Gabriella Grace.  I remember when she first smiled!  I felt like I was on top of the world!!!  My baby was a genius! =).  That smile would be the end of myself and the beginning of a personality that would forever impact who I am.  My precious Gabriella Grace.  Have I mentioned how beautiful she is?  Her beauty is paralyzing.  Her deep dark eyes, her gorgeous ringleted hair, those baby cheeks you just want to squeeze and kiss all over, her perfect little button nose and those amazing lips she got from her daddy.  When I look at her, its as if I am seeing real beauty for the first time ever.  My beautiful Gabriella Grace.  I remember when she said "momma" for the first time.  Words can't even describe the joy and happiness in my heart.  She knows me!  She knows I'm her momma!  The beginning of a relationship that will forever change me, my thinking, my desires, my goals, my values.  Before I knew it, my baby girl was walking!!  When did this happen??  Where has the time gone.  Can we go back just for a little while??  My baby is growing up.  My growing Gabriella Grace.  Then the day came when she replies to my "I love you baby".... "i lob you momma"... I'm pretty sure we danced at that moment. Never have those three little words impacted my heart as they did coming from that little precious baby girl.  We've played, we've had some time-outs, we've dance (ring around the roses is her fav), we've read stories, we've learned colors, we've cried, we've cuddled, we've played dress-up.  My life rapped up in a 2 year old little girl.  My two year old angel is growing, as I see in these new pictures. She doesn't wear diapers, she doesn't need me to help her to the bathroom, she doesn't need me to feed herself, she doesn't need me to entertain her.  Where has time gone?  She will be three in March and starting pre-school shortly after.  She will be reading on her own soon, and then before you know it asking for a cell phone and bring home boys.  She will be embarrassed by me... oh how i dread the day.  I know that she will always need her momma tho, because I still need mine.  My baby girl has been the bread to my butter, the light to my dark, the soy sauce to my sushi (had to throw that in there), she is my everything.  I have been so blessed to watch her grow this far... I miss her being a little baby, but the joy of her growing up and learning and becoming her own surpasses that.  Thank you Lord for my precious Gabriella Grace.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Chase

April and Wesley had such a beautiful wedding ceremony.  It was held at the Scottish Rite Temple in downtown Shreveport.  Words cannot explain how amazing this temple was.  The detail and the history was just breath-taking.  April was a gorgeous bride and Wesley a handsome groom.  They have been such a great couple to work with... they spoiled us for sure!  You could definitely see them fall in love all over again on that stage and before the camera.  I love shooting couples with such amazing chemistry and love for one another. Thank you April and Wes for letting us be apart of this incredible journey with you guys.  We wish yall a lifetime of happiness and blessings.  Love, Jen and Nat

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Elijah is here!

Baby Elijah is such a precious baby boy.  He was so good and easy to work with!  Kelly is going to be such  a great mom and Deanna is going to be such a great aunt to this sweet baby.  Thank you Kelly for letting me be apart of this whole process, and congrats on your little miracle!!  Love, Jen

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Beginnings for 2011

Sheri, Aaron & Jayden are such a beautiful family, and now they are expecting a new member! Jayden just can't wait to be a big brother!! The morning of our photoshoot was exTremely cold, but they hung in there and we were able to get some great pictures.  I am so excited about your new addition to the family and I can't wait to watch your beautiful belly grow Sheri! Yall truly are a special family and I very much enjoyed photographing yall.  I wish you all the blessings in the world for 2011 and can't wait to photograph you again!!  Love Jen 
Happy New Year!!!!!

Blog Archive


Hello world!! We are Jennifer Ball and Natalie Parnell aka Soul Rebels! Photography for us has changed our lives and given us a creative outlit to impact other people's lives with our art, love, and passion for the camera. Natalie picked up her first camera about two years ago and was hooked. It was love at first... hold? =) I picked up my first camera last summer and couldn't even dream of the impact it would have on my life. I have never felt so at peace and "right" as I do holding that camera and impacting people's lives. It's amazing how much we love this art and we are so excited to see what the future holds for Soul Rebels Photography! One love to all!!

Jennifer and Natalie!